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     Seven hundred 700 years ago, in 1400 AD, Brahmins attacked Nalanda University as the fortress of Bakhtiyar Khilji's opponents and the Buddhist teacher monks there, attacked the Nalanda University with Bakhtiyar Khilji and set fire to the world famous library there.  All the Buddhist texts that were burnt to ashes were burnt by Brahmins, so today there is not only Buddhist literature in India, which is still insufficient, so the Trust has to publish the literature of Tathagata Buddha and distribute it free of cost all over India. 



     There is a great lack of education in India, some people because of poverty and some people are unable to take education due to untouchability imposed by Brahmins.

The main objective of the trust is to establish libraries and computer centers for the promotion of education in the society.



     Two thousand two hundred (2200) years ago, anti-social elements like in 187 BC the Jewish Brahmin Pushyamitra Sunga, also known as Parasurama and later King Rama, killed the 10th Mauryan emperor of Magadha, Brihadutta Buddhist, and killed Emperor Ashoka.  The 84,000 built Buddhist monasteries, chaityas, viharams, which were centers of world class learning, were devastated and destroyed by the Brahmins by setting fire to them, thus eliminating the Buddha's teachings from India.
Therefore, today the need of the hour is to establish Buddhist monasteries, Chaityas, for propagating the teachings of Tathagata Buddha in order to make present India enlightened India. 



     Aryan Jewish Brahmins captured India and imposed untouchability on the natives of India by making them slaves, slaves and untouchables and broke thousands of schools, colleges, and universities of the native Buddhists like Takshila, Nalanda, Vikramshila etc. They burnt in the fire and burnt the whole of India.  He was made illiterate, as a result of which 70 percent of the people in India are still illiterate and they belong to all the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and backward O.B.C. There are people of the society, to educate all these people, to make them enlightened, to make India an enlightened India, schools, colleges, universities have to be made. 



     Hunger in India, poverty is very poor.  Children of working people are suffering from malnutrition, whose means of treatment are inadequate in India, which has been limited to 15 percent of the people, while there is no equal system of treatment for 85 percent of the people, so dispensary for the treatment of people, and  Establishment of hospitals is a sacred act of Buddhism. 



     Today, chaos is visible in the whole world, where there is violence in the name of religion, somewhere in the name of caste, there is unrest in the whole world, human, by eliminating the malice and hatred of human beings, love and brotherhood between human beings,  To establish equality, and justice, we have to establish the trust as the World Human Friendship Association at the world level. 

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