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     My name is Rajpal Singh Moolvanshi and I was born on 16/12/1978 in an untouchable family in Arifpur Barka, a small village in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh, India.  Brahmins have imposed untouchability on our society from thousands of years ago, there were countless atrocities on our society every day and it is happening even today, even today in India, brahmins have made the standard of living of our society worse than that of animals, Hindu family dog,  Cats can stay with them at their house, but a person belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes cannot even sit with them equal to them.

     Our ancestors struggled throughout their lives for freedom from the exploitation and tyranny being done by Brahmins for thousands of years in India, in which Tathagata Buddha, 2500 years ago, who is the great teacher of the world, first exposed the conspiracy of Brahmins and  Liberated the indigenous people of India from the caste system, caste system and untouchability imposed by the Brahmins, then later in about 255 BC, the Buddhist emperor Ashoka of India built 84,000 stupas and monasteries for the 84,000 teachings of Buddha and all over the world.  Promoted the Dhamma.  Later, Brahmins counter-revolutionized against Buddhism and massacred Buddhist monks. Buddhist monasteries and stupas were demolished, they were set on fire and some monasteries were converted by Brahmins into their own temples.  Later Guru Gorakhnath, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Jyotiba Rao Phule, Periyar Ramaswami Nayakar, and Babasaheb Dr.  Bhimrao Ambedkar etc. did the work of social reform, today in India, whatever human rights have been given to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes to live a human life, it is Babasaheb Dr.  The struggles made by Ambedkar ji and the constitution written by him have been met only.

     Babasaheb Dr.  Ambedkar ji learned by reading history that we are the history of our ancestors, the history of Buddhists, our great ancestors and teachers of Dhamma were Tathagata Buddha and all the natives of India were followers of Buddha Dhamma, Brahmins massacred our ancestors and Buddhist monks of Buddha Dhamma.  He has made himself a slave.  Knowing this Baba Saheb Dr.  Ambedkar ji accepted Buddha Dhamma along with millions of his followers on 14th December 1956. Baba Saheb was very impressed by Buddha's compassion, friendship, equality and fraternity and that is why he himself dreamed of making India Buddhist and also showed it to his followers.  Babasaheb Dr.  Ambedkar wanted to form a Buddhist cultural Commonwealth by uniting all the Buddhist countries of the world.

     But after taking initiation of Buddha Dhamma, only one month could survive for 21 days. On the morning of 6th December 1956, Babasaheb Dr.  Ambedkar was found dead, his mysterious death could not be revealed because the government of that time and the Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru did not get his dead body post-mortem nor any investigation was done.  Now Babasaheb Dr.  In the absence of Ambedkar, it is the responsibility of the followers of Babasaheb Ambedkar to realize the dream of making a Buddhist India.  Dr.  To make Ambedkar's dream come true, we have established a trust named International Trust of Buddha Consciousness which will do the following work.

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