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Our Mission

One step towards humanity...............

dear brothers and sisters

     Today, chaos is visible all around, whoever sees it, he is engaged in serving his own interests only and only in legitimate or illegitimate ways, people have adopted new and modern methods of exploitation and oppression, some people have taken collective action.  New and big organizations to commit genocide have been formed, and are being made.  Mass genocide is being carried out on a large scale, people are killing their own countrymen and their own religious brothers.  People are attacking each other's religious places, and all this is happening in the name of religion, a human is untouchable by another human of his own country because of religion and caste  There are rapes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes' settlements are set on fire, their settlements are destroyed, they are killed in the name of religion.  People have made atomic bombs, atomic bombs, chemical bombs, hydrogen bombs to commit mass genocide and all this is happening in the name of security, a human is threatened by another human like himself.  There is a ruckus in the whole world and human humanity is watching the spectacle standing silently. 


     Once again today to save humanity, only and only Tathagata Buddha is visible standing as the savior of humanity, he is saying…  You want to treat others the same way you want for yourself, no human is inferior or superior by birth, caste, religion, human is inferior or superior by his own actions, .... Tathagata Buddha walked on foot for 50 years.  Wandered, taught compassion and friendship, and established equality and brotherhood by removing hatred, mistrust, insecurity, discrimination, inequality between human beings, today again human needs the teachings and compassion of Tathagata Buddha. 

     2000 years ago, anti-social elements in India had completely destroyed Tathagata Buddha and his teachings, Buddhist monasteries and Buddha Chaityu from India, as a result of which India has become an underdeveloped country in the world today and where Tathagata Buddha  The education of all those countries is developed today, in about 65 countries of the world, the teachings of Tathagata Buddha are considered as the state religion and even today in India, wherever the land is excavated, the same broken statues of Buddha and Buddhist monasteries are found.  .  Come brothers, let us also make India a developed nation by spreading the teachings of our Tathagata Buddha in India and by establishing the teachings of Tathagata Buddha in India, by giving the message of kindness, friendship, and compassion to the mankind of the whole world, make India the world teacher.  Make it 


1. Publishing literature related to the teachings of Tathagata Buddha.

2. To establish Buddhist monasteries to spread the teachings of Tathagata Buddha.

3. To establish schools, colleges, universities for the education and upbringing of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the poor, weaker sections.

4. Establishment of dispensary and hospital for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the poor, weaker sections.

5. Establishment of libraries and computer labs.

6. Establishing the Trust at the world level as the World Buddhist Friendship Association.

For doing all these human works, your cooperation is very much needed, please kindly cooperate with body, mind and money.


+91 8285459798 

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